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Osteopathy sees the body as a functional unit.
The role of the osteopath is to help to improve mobility of the structures of the body.
Osteopathy is person centered and is individualized to each of you

A consultation in osteopathy with me involves education, exercises and a manual approach to help improve mobility and function of the different structures of the body.

What is distinctive about my practice is the extensive background and experience in sports medicine, implication in research, teaching and more than 30 years of experience working in a multidisciplinary practice.  I have worked along side physicians, orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, and kinesiologists my entire career.

My practice

René recieves his Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Montreal.
for more info 
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Consultant at the Canadian Space Agency (click on the picture to learn more)

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